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Q: What are the prescribed formalities that must be complied with when entering into a contract?
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What morally counts for social contract ethics?

those who are capable of entering into the contract.

Social contract ethics those who count morally are?

those who are capable of entering into the contract

What is the age limit for entering a contract in Germany?


Is a verbal contract binding if one side fails to divulge everything?

No. If the person you are entering the verbal contract with fails to include information that would change your mind on entering the contract, the contract will not be valid. It is considered a voidable contract which means that you are at liberty to either accept or deny it. Intentional misrepresentation, not including puffery, in order to form a contract is fraud.

How can misrepresentation affect a valid contract?

When someone is induced into entering into a contract as a result of a false statement.

Is it necessary to make and sign a contract when entering in an exclusive relationship?

with a man?!?!! PSH nooO!

What law act protect a 16 years old for entering into signing contract?

It is the age of majority. Until that is reached, it is presumed that a minor cannot enter into a contract.

What is contractual liability insurance?

Contractual liability insurance is something purchased to protect a person entering into a contract, when that contract means that they agree to be responsible for any liability.

What is a credit risk when entering into a derivative contract?

Credit Risk. Credit risk or default risk evolves from the possibility that one of the parties to a derivative contract will not satisfy its financial obligations under the derivative contract.

Can you marry a twenty-six year old without your parents consent if you are sixteen years old?

If you are legally emancipated you can. Entering into marriage means entering into a legally binding contract. At 16 you cannot legally enter into a binding contract. So no, you can't LEGALLY get married.

What violation is entering into an unauthorized contract and or providing insider information to a contractor is?

Joint ethics regulation violations

What is a pre-contractual negotiation or pre-emptive talk?

Statements made to induce someone into entering into a contract.