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the major answer for MIS, when examined closely, is quite simple. Through thorough analysis and critical thinking, it is clear that there is only one true option. The answer, a complex and multi-layered thesis, is one that depends on a few volatile yet for the most part controllabe factors. When one thinks of this question, one thinks, What is MIS? The answer is quite simple. Through deep and analytical thought process, we can see MIS for what it is, an organization with several, often unknowable intentions. My good friend once told me, the MIS is like the age old story, passed down from our forefathers and mothers, and cousins and uncles, and also pet goldfish, of the kitten lost in the swimming pool. No one knows why that kitten is in that swimming pool, but its there. Its floating around, lost in the abyss of the water, and the rest of us are too much of weaklings to do anything about it. Are you going to save that kitten? Most likely not. It is too much of a shocking concept to deal with, that kitten floating in the swimming pool. What we need to ask ourselves is, What can i do to get that kitten out of that swimming pool? That, my friends, is the answer for conquering the challenges one faces whilst planning for the MIS. Peace to my haters.

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  • Challenges of MIS while implemendting:
  • Advance technology
  • Competitors technology
  • Customer's orientation towards required information about product and quality
  • Industory orientation towards upcoming technology
  • Foreign Investers orientation in local markets
  • Government intervention in case of any new technology used in the organization like duty taxes etc.
  • International crises in technology
  • substitute or alternatives in technology

Raja Kibria

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Q: What are the major challenges of planning for MIS?
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MIS what are the challenges faced by MIS managers today?

Challenges in studying MIS: Some of the distinguishing challenges that the people face while planning, using or approving management information systems are: • MIS requires a wide variety of knowledge areas including accounting, finance, marketing and manufacturing. Therefore having both technical and practical experience in these subjects is very useful. • Both technology and technology-related products are emerging at very high pace. Consequently no one possibly be proficient in all new technologies and compromises have to be taken. • Many terms used in MIS are inaccurate and controversial because of high pace of new hardware, software and communication technology. • MIS problems are difficult to define. Some times a situation may be seen as a problem but in fact it may be a symbol only. • Not like other subjects like Physics, Chemistry that exists probably from very beginning, MIS has only been recognized as a separate field of study in 1960s. • A large number of important areas of MIS are still not touched as said by many professionals. • There is a lack of sympathetic relationship between MIS personnel and users and management and MIS personnel because employees are more loyal to their profession rather than needs of the organizations. • No universal standards have been established regarding how much to spend on MIS

What is the difference between EDP and MIS?

There are a few differences between EDP and MIS. EDP is mainly used for bookkeeping, operational management, and clerical work. MIS is business driven, heavy planning, common data, and larger reports.

What are the challenges of MIS?

Challenges in studying MIS: Some of the distinguishing challenges that the people face while planning, using or approvingmanagement information systems are: • MIS requires a wide variety of knowledge areas including accounting, finance, marketing andmanufacturing. Therefore having both technical and practical experience in these subjects is very useful. • Both technology and technology-related products are emerging at very high pace. Consequently no one possibly be proficient in all new technologies and compromises have to be taken. • Many terms used in MIS are inaccurate and controversial because of high pace of new hardware, software and communication technology. • MIS problems are difficult to define. Some times a situation may be seen as a problem but in fact it may be a symbol only. • Not like other subjects like Physics, Chemistry that exists probably from very beginning, MIS has only been recognized as a separate field of study in 1960s. • A large number of important areas of MIS are still not touched as said by many professionals. • There is a lack of sympathetic relationship between MIS personnel and users and management and MIS personnel because employees are more loyal to their profession rather than needs of the organizations. • No universal standards have been established regarding how much to spend on MIS. MUHAMMAD KHURRAM KHAN

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