Question isn't clear enough. Are you asking about a roadside collection box or a rural-type delivery box.
In the first case - the local municipality will undoubtedly have a regulation keeping it clear enough for a vehicle to pull up to it.
In the latter case - Postal Regulations do not require a carrier to make a delivery to any roadside mailbox which they cannot gain ready access without leaving their vehicle.
If the mailbox is mounted on the house he must have a clear path to the mailbox. If you are mounting your mailbox on a rural road, mount it so the bottom of the mailbox is 47 inches from the surface of the road. Mount the mailbox far enough off the side of the road where it won't get hit. 12" is a good figure to use. Remember that school buses and trucks have mirrors that stick out on the right side that could hit your mailbox. If your mailbox is on a street with a curb, mount the mailbox so the bottom of the mailbox is 47" from the street. Mount the front of the mailbox 9" from the curb.
you do
The Orlando parking laws can be read on the City of Orlando Public Works Parking website. The website will give you the information you need about the laws of parking.
it should be in the front of the house next to the trashcan.
This depends on where you live. Inquire with your local city's zoning laws and see how far they want your mailbox from the road.
The presence of a mailbox does not make parking in front of it illegal. Whether you can park there legally or not usually depends on whether or not it would be a legal area to park if the mailbox weren't there. This is generally speaking, and is not to say that there won't be places where local ordinance prohibits it.Additional Info: US Postal regulations do not require a postal carrier to deliver mail to a blocked mailbox. If the curbside box cannot be reached from their vehicle they are not required to dismount to place the mail into the box when/if it is obstructed.
It is not typical or appropriate for a neighbor to have their mailbox in your front yard. Mailboxes should be placed on the owner's property, typically near the residence for easy access by the postal service. If you have concerns about the mailbox location, you should address them with your neighbor or local post office.
Postal regulations require the mailbox to be placed at the front entrance of the property or residence for safety reasons.
Ask your local police department. I suspect that parking regulations forbid you from parking in her handicap spot. I doubt that there is a regulation forbidding her from parking in front of your house.
That's True.