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Q: What are the key concepts made by the federalist papers 51?
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What was one key argument from the federalist papers?

The country needs a strong central government

What was the goal of the authors of the federalist papers?

The goal was to inform the people who were criticizing the new form of government, which was instated within the Constitution. They were mainly disapproving of the strong central government that the Founders wanted to place; they felt that it would take away their liberty. However, as stated in the Federalist Papers it was key to have this type of government in order to prevent tyranny and ruin within it. The intention of the papers was to inform the people of the system that was being instated and how it functioned.

What was the one concession the federalist made to ensure the constitutional be ratified?

They promised to support key ammendments to the Constitution.

What was one concession the federalist made to ensure the constitution would be ratify?

They promised to support key ammendments to the Constitution.

What do the federalist papers mean in modern English?

Your question must be directed to the role and value of the Federalist Papers as a whole, I suspect, because otherwise the answer would require a minutely detailed dissection of those letter that constitute the Federalist. The Federalist Papers offer the arguments in support of the ratification of the Constitution of 1787, proposed by the Constitutional Convention that met in Philadelphia. Today, they are one key source of understanding of the milieu that gave rise to the 1787 Convention and the document produced by it, of understanding of the scope and meaning of the provisions of that document, and of understanding the arguments made against that document and rebutted in the Federalist Papers. Moreover, they are quite the persuasive source on meaning when they speak relevantly to an issue in dispute today. To win ratification of the United States Constitution in New York state, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison wrote a series of newspaper articles, under assumed names, in order to convince the public to support the new Constitution. The purpose of the articles was to explain and defend the writing of the Constitution. 85 articles were written between 1787-1788. The articles probably had little influence on New York approving the Constitution, but the essays have had a lasting value as authoritative explanations of the sections of the Constitution. The Federalist Papers, as they were called, have become the single most important piece of American political philosophy ever produced in America. Wikipedia has information about the Federalist Papers and many are explained in modern English. MrV

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