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One that immediately comes to mind is the dispute between states that have legalized marijuana for medical us, and the Federal Government which still has a ban on the plant.

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Q: What are the issues at stake in the state's rights debate?
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the issues at stake were that women were being treated unequally

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At the trial in Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl, the main issue at stake was whether Anne and her family would be deported to a concentration camp or not. The trial determined their fate and ultimately led to their capture and imprisonment. Additionally, the trial highlighted the larger issues of discrimination, persecution, and human rights violations during the Holocaust.

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The only thing at stake is equal rights for same-sex couples.

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What two issues were at stake in the debate over states' rights?

When the country was formed, most things were left to individual states. The federal government's purpose was national security, and upholding the law of the land. In the mid 19th century, the northern states were largely industrial while southern states were largely agrarian. The southern states had painted themselves into a corner, that is that their entire economy was based on slave labor. Calls for abolition from the north scared the pants off southerners as they visualized the economic destruction of the southern states. They then decided that under the U.S. Constitution, Amendment 10, that individual states had the right to decide the issue for themselves. The federal government did not agree. States in the south, beginning with South Carolina broke away from the U.S. claiming that states' rights superseded federal jurisdiction. Thus began the Civil War. It was a war not so much over slavery, but states' rights. The result was a fundamental redefining of the USA and federal power.

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Define the Problem

Why Jesus was in the center on the cross?

There is much debate over whether it was a cross shaped like a 'T or t' or was it a stake in the ground. If a 'T or t' cross, Jesus is placed along the long beam in the middle. If a stake 'l' that is the only place to be place.

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The only people directly affected by the legalization of same-sex marriage are gays and lesbians who wish to marry, or who may wish to marry at some time in the future. The stand to gain human rights. They stand to lose human rights. There are also more than 1,000 benefits of legal marriage at stake.

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Conflict perspective

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Losing eleven states, and the cotton revenues.