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In the United States, anyone found to have infringed a copyrighted work may be liable for statutory damages up to $30,000 for each work infringed and, if willful infringement is proven by the copyright owner, that amount may be increased up to $150,000 for each work infringed.

In addition, an infringer of a work may also be liable for the attorney's fees incurred by the copyright owner to enforce his or her rights

There are also provisions for criminal prosecution of infringement and, although rare, they can carry penalties of up to $250,000.000 USD as well as 10 years in prison.

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14y ago
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13y ago

Creators are encouraged to create, by making it financially viable to create for a living. Copyright law gives diversity and choice in the market.

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Copyright enables creators to make money from their works by limiting access to them.

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You would be subject to fines and (in extreme cases) imprisonment. In the long term, it reduces the incentive for creators to create, leading to less choice for users.

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The intent of copyright is to encourage creativity by giving creators the ability to ascribe value to (and ideally make a living from) their imagination and hard work.

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IP protection derives from federal law.

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Is a copyright a state law city law or a federal law?

Copyright law is a federal law, granted in the Constitution.

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Copyright law.

What is the Malaysia copyright law?

Malaysia's copyright law is Act 332, the Copyright Law of 1987. More information can be found at the link below.

Is copyright illegal?

No. Copyright is federal law.

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Copyright law cannot protect ideas, only the expressionof them in writing, sound, art, etc.

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Neil Boorstyn has written: 'Copyright Law With Copyright Law Cumulative Supplement' 'Boorstyn on copyright' -- subject(s): Copyright

What is the Federal copyright act of 1965?

The Copyright Act 1965 is an outdated UK copyright law; the current law is the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988.

Who developed the copyright law?

Modern copyright law is based on the Statute of Anne, 1709.

In which year was copyright law enacted in Ghana?

Ghana adopted UK copyright law in 1911.

What is New Zealand current copyright law?

The current law is Copyright Act 1994 as amended.

What is the name that covers copyright?

Copyright law is a subset of Intellectual Property (IP) law.

What are the implications if you use a copyright document for coursework?

It depends on the type of document, the extent of the use, and more.