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Not meeting the statutory requirements to prevail in the claim.

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Q: What are the grounds for denial in adverse claim?
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Where to file the adverse claim?

Generally, an adverse possession suit is filed in a court of equity.

What is adverse claim?

An adverse claim typically means a claim that is against real property by someone other than the registered owner. It means someone is claiming rights to property levied on.

What are the uses of an Insurance Denial Attorney?

An insurance denial attorney will fight for you, should your claim be denied by your insurance carrier.

Why is Holocaust denial illegal?

In the vast majority of countries, including the US and UK, there is no law against Holocaust denial. In Germany, Austria and some other countries, public denial of the Holocaust is banned on the grounds that it is tantamount to an attempt to rehabilitate the Nazis (with a view to restoring them) and on the grounds that it is a form of Jew-baiting. Please see the link.

Can you claim adverse possession of state or school owned land in Kentucky?

You cannot make a claim of adverse possession on any government owned land. It is exempt from such claims.

Who has right to quiet title?

The plaintiff must be the person(s) who has title to the property and can prove that their claim is the strongest as opposed to that of the adverse party.The plaintiff must be the person(s) who has title to the property and can prove that their claim is the strongest as opposed to that of the adverse party.The plaintiff must be the person(s) who has title to the property and can prove that their claim is the strongest as opposed to that of the adverse party.The plaintiff must be the person(s) who has title to the property and can prove that their claim is the strongest as opposed to that of the adverse party.

Can I win a adverse possession eviction case?

You cannot claim adverse possession on property you had permission to use. Forget it.

Someone is renting your land after a few years do they have an appeal to your land?

Answer: By renting your land they are acknowledging that you are the owner. There would be no grounds for an adverse claim. Adverse possession arises when a person uses someone else's property without permission of the owner of the property. A landlord and tenant relationship clearly demonstrates that the property was used with the permission of the owner.

Was there ever been a successful appeal of a visa denial for false claim to citizenship?

If there was a visa denial you cannot argue about the denial itself- you must attack the false claim. A false claim of U.S. citizenship is a permanent bar to immigrating to the U.S.- there are NO waivers. The only thing a person can argue is that they never made a false claim to citizenship, or that it was timely retracted, and finely, that the person had a valid belief he/she was a citizen (but there are certain requirements for this defense).

Does adverse possession apply to bank property?

It would if you met all your state's requirements for making a claim under adverse possession.

If a person tenant claims adverse possession against his landlord who is also claiming adverse possession does the tenant have to continue to pay rent in Nevada while tenant resides on property?

First- you cannot claim adverse possession against someone who doesn't own the property. You don't have an adverse possession against your landlord who doesn't own the property but has an adverse possession claim against the owner of the land. According to the minimal facts you provided you don't have any standing to make such a claim. You are using the property with the landlord's permission. One of the elements required to make a claim of adverse possession is that you use the property openly and notoriously (without permission).