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With the agreement of both parents and the court, child support may be paid directly by the NCP to the CP. However, the more common method by far is payment by wage deduction, sent to the State's disbursement unit for distribution to the CP or to the State (if the child is receiving cash assistance).

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Q: What are the different ways of paying child support?
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What do you do if your dad is a dead beat?

Not much you can do as the child but your mom can go to court and report him for not paying child support assuming there is a court order for it. The court have several ways to get someone to pay their child support.

If you send your child to the father for a year should you be required to send him the child support money back?

Yes, its child support. If the money is not used to support the child then its being misused. Alimony would be to support you. If the father is looking after the child, then he should not be paying child support to the mother - she doesn't have the cost of looking after the child at that time. In fact, the mother may well be in a position to send chilod support to the father - it goes both ways and she is responsible for the child just as much as the father is.

Do you have to have custody to file for child support?

Your question could be read in different ways. Child support is intended only for the support of children and their needs. If the children are in the custody of (living with and being supported by) someone who is not the parent on a regular basis, that person must petition the court to be appointed the legal guardian and then petition for a child support order against the parents. If you are the parent then you must have custody in order to get child support. If your children are in the custody of someone else, such as the example provided above, you cannot receive child support.

If I want nothing to do with my pregnant ex partner or the child. How do I avoid paying child support?

It's too late now. If you didn't want children you needed to plan ahead before your ex partner got pregnant. There are ways to avoid conception. As the child's father you will have to pay child support as long as the child's mother files a petition for child support.

How much would a father owe at 50 a month child support if he hasn't paid for two years?

He would owe $1200 which is not much help in the cost of raising a child. He will continue to be responsible for paying his child support until it is all paid and the child support order is terminated by the court. The mother should file a motion for contempt in the court and then stay on top of it. He will be assessed arrears and there are many ways the Child Enforcement Agency can collect the money.He would owe $1200 which is not much help in the cost of raising a child. He will continue to be responsible for paying his child support until it is all paid and the child support order is terminated by the court. The mother should file a motion for contempt in the court and then stay on top of it. He will be assessed arrears and there are many ways the Child Enforcement Agency can collect the money.He would owe $1200 which is not much help in the cost of raising a child. He will continue to be responsible for paying his child support until it is all paid and the child support order is terminated by the court. The mother should file a motion for contempt in the court and then stay on top of it. He will be assessed arrears and there are many ways the Child Enforcement Agency can collect the money.He would owe $1200 which is not much help in the cost of raising a child. He will continue to be responsible for paying his child support until it is all paid and the child support order is terminated by the court. The mother should file a motion for contempt in the court and then stay on top of it. He will be assessed arrears and there are many ways the Child Enforcement Agency can collect the money.

How does child support affect your credit score?

yes, it absolutely will. However, there are a couple of different ways it may affect your credit rating depending on your circumstances and how your child support payments are collected.

What if the father is not paying child support and is a convicted felon with a criminal history does he still have visitation rights?

Visitation rights and child support are 2 separate issues in court. They see to what is best for the child and it often is to see both parents. It also depends on why he is not paying child support. If there is such order and he is not paying there are ways the court can see to that he does but you need to let them know he is not paying. You can not deny him visitation on your own, that would be breaking the court order and will get you into legal trouble. It's up to the court to decide if he is unfit for visitation based on his criminal past. Just because you've been to jail in the past does not mean you are a unfit parent now.

What legal ways are there to get out of paying child support?

You'd have to find someone to adopt the child. The social security agency in your country would not let someone abandon their parental responsibilities unless they have found someone to take their place.

Can your husband adopt your child that you have custody of?

Not until the parental rights of the biological father have been terminated.There are a couple ways to do that:The bio father gives his consent and voluntarily surrenders his parental rights.You go to court and can get them to involuntarily terminate his parental rights; this one is much more difficult: if the bio father has abandoned the child, isn't paying child support, is in jail or is a danger to the child (or something similar), you may have a case, but if he's visiting and paying support you will have to go with the first option.

Can you sue your child's father in civil court for child support arrears?

Most jurisdictions separate child support matters from other civil suits. In any case, I suggest that you contact your State's child support agency. They have ways of collecting unpaid support.

20 Different was to bully a child?

if your question is "20 different ways to bully a child" then why would you actually want to bully a child, its wrong!

In Wisconsin can custody be taken away or reduced from a parent that does not pay their child support to the primary custodial parent?

No. Courts do not generally sanction non-paying parents by using their custodial or visitation rights. Child support and custody are separate issues. Defaults in child support payments are addressed through Child Support Enforcement agencies in every state. If you are having trouble collecting your child support you should return to court, file a motion for contempt of a court order and request assistance from CSE. It has many ways to help you collect including garnishment of wages, intercepting tax refunds, loss of driver's license and incarceration.