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Q: What are the Myth associated with entrepreneurship?
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"Entrepreneurship Development is defined as a process of enhancing the skillset and knowledge of entrepreneurs regarding the development, management and organization of a business venture while keeping in mind the risks associated with it." There's a thing called google, you know

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Westerns represented the myth that the Lone Gunman would ride into town and save the day for all the good citizens. It also showed the American spirit of entrepreneurship, where anyone who works hard enough can succeed at their dreams.

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One myth is that a dragon is eating the sun.

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Which mythological character is associated with bow and arrows?

Robin Hood! Although there is debate as to whether or not he is a myth.

What is a religous myth?

A religious myth would either be a myth which is part of the belief of a religion or a myth which is associated with a certain religion. The former refers to any story held as a belief in a religion like the story of Zeus's birth or how God created the earth in seven days. The latter refers to a separate story which is associated with a religion like St. Patrick driving out all the snakes in Ireland or the story of a fairy flag.