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Federal Government

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Q: What are state governments modeled after?
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What are most state governments modeled after?

Federal Government A+, you guys are lucky im helping. :)

What culture is the US government modeled on?

A blend of the old greek and roman governments.

what do the state governments do?

In the United States, there are 50 political entities called States. They each have governments and are charged with governing the people within them. By the US Constitution, all powers not delegated to the Federal government are left to the States to decide for themselves. Generally speaking, the State governments are modeled much like the Federal government. They have 3 branches, executive, legislative and judicial. They all serve to create a balance of power within the State.

What do the US State governments do?

In the United States, there are 50 political entities called States. They each have governments and are charged with governing the people within them. By the US Constitution, all powers not delegated to the Federal government are left to the States to decide for themselves. Generally speaking, the State governments are modeled much like the Federal government. They have 3 branches, executive, legislative and judicial. They all serve to create a balance of power within the State.

What governments allow the use of the initiative the referendum and the recall?

some state governments

The Texas constitution was modeled after what document?

The Texas Constitution was modeled after the United States Constitution. It was slightly changed to fit the mission of a new state in the United States.

Which statement most accurately describes state governments' interaction with local governments?

state governments grant local governments their power but do not tend to interfere with their day -to-day responsibilities

Are bonds issued by state or local governments?

________ are bonds issued by state or local governments

What can state governments not do?

State governments cannot declare war or issue their own money.

How many state governments are found in the U.S?

The US has 50 states and therefore there are 50 state governments in the US. In addition associated territories such as Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, and Guam are not states and do not have state governments, but do have governments that in many respects function like state governments.

How can the federal and state governments both have the power to tax?

The Federal and state governments both have the power to tax because they each have separate expenses in a budget. State governments tax to help pay for state programs. Federal governments tax to help pay for Federal programs.

In what way did the legacy of imperialism shape the current governments of Oceania?

The independent nations of Oceania have political systems modeled after their former colonial masters