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be a supportive of the government,pay your taxes/bills,vote,attend government hearings, watch news channels. To add onto that: * Obey the laws * Pay taxes * Defend the Nation * Serve in Court * Go to School * Vote * Participate in Government * Respect other's rights * Respect diversity * Be informed about the government * Know your rights-so you can preserve them

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Some are Voting, Holding Office, and Helping Candidates

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Q: What are some responsibilities of an American citizen?
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According to the US Constitution what are the responsibilities of a US citizen?

The responsibilities of a US citizen included civic participation by voting. Also, a citizen is expected to protect American principles and values.

What are some responsibilities of citizens Why is fulfilling these responsibilities important?

because being iportant duty of citizen is to keep thw word safe

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try and get along with everyone as much as you canthe responsibilities of a citizenNoA purposeful citizen understands their roles as a citizen and reflects on their values and responsibilities

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What are the rights and the responsibilities of a citizen?

To be informed is a duty

What are Civil responsibilities?

Civil responsibilities are those obligations each citizen owes to the nation.

What are some important rights and responsibilities of US?

There are many rights and responsibilities provided to every US citizen by the Constitution. Some examples of these rights and responsibilities include the right to vote, the right to stay informed, the performance of jury duty, and the obligation to obey the laws.

What is civil responsibilities?

civil responsibilities are the obligations which each citizen has to the nation Leslie and erika rocks

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you have no rights, you have too many responsibilities, your a second class citizen, get use to it

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Civil responsibilities are the obligations which each citizen has to the?


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to live laugh and love! :)