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Usually there is only one outcome. You violated, therefore you are remanded to jail for the remainder of your sentence.

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Q: What are some outcomes of a violation of probation hearing for a dirty urinalysis?
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What is a Non-Witness Violation Hearing I believe due to the circumstances in this case it would be a probation officer testifying that the terms of the probation were violated correct?

A non-witness violation hearing is a probation violation hearing in which no witnesses are called. Hard evidence will be documented and the defendant, probationer, will have opportunity to offer argument against it, or to offer explanation that might mediate a decision.

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I had my first probation violation for blowing a .04 i am on probation for meth manufactoring what can happen?

It depends on how serious the probation violation is considered to be. Your violation wasn't a repeat of the offense you were on probation for, so it's really up to your probation officer. He can give you a warning and another chance, or he can have you arrested and sent to a hearing where your probation could be revoked, and you would serve out your jail sentence.

What is revoc?

A hearing to revoke a previously suspended sentence, because of a violation of some condition of probation

How do you report someone who is in violation of probation?

The probation officer will investigate and see if there was, in fact, a violation. If he or she believes a violation did occur, then the offender can be arrested, so as to have a court hearing. This hearing usually takes place between the prosecuting attorney, the offender and his attorney, the probation officer, and the judge. After hearing all of the facts and arguments, it is then that a judge decides if the offender's probation will be revoked, and he or she will serve any remaining jail time that was originally suspended.

How long does a probation officer have to give a inmate a probation violation hearing?

The PO doesn't grant or arrange hearings. They report the violation(s) to their office which notifies the court. The court THEN arranges a hearing, or issues a warrant for your re-arrest, whichever is more appropriate.

What is the maximum time one can serve for a probation violation in Massachusetts?

This depends on what crime you were originally sentenced to probation for and what level of the trial court it is in. The violation is not what you get sentenced for, you are either found in violation or not found in violation. If you are found in violation you then have a final surrender hearing where your probation can be terminated and you receive the original sentence for the crime were found guilty of or CWOF'd. However, not all probation violations result in time served, depending on the severity of the violation. In a district court you can be sentenced to up to two and a half years for a felony and one year for a misdemeanor.

Do you go straight to jail at a misdemeanor probation violation hearing in California?

That is entirely up to the judge, there is no way to know what they might do or say. .

Does a court have jurisdiction after expiration of sentence?

It is not uncommon for the probation department to review your case shortly before discharge, then recommend a violation based upon your non-compliance. The hearing on such an end-of-probation violation may well occur after what would otherwise have been the discharge date.

How long does it usually take to get a bond hearing for a technical violation probation for dirty drug screen?

It doesn't take that long to get a bond hearing depending on where you live. If you are in a busy area, it could be a couple weeks.

Will Texas extradite from Wyoming for misdemeanor probation violation warrant?

First, there is no such thing as a misdemeanor probation violation. A probation violation is a probation violation. It is a violation of a judge's order, and whoa to he who violates the order of a judge. So, yes, Texas will extradite from the moon for a probation violation, Wyoming should be a minor issue for the Texas prosecutor. Do yourself a favor and waive your extradition hearing. Nothing is likely to irritate the prosecutor or the judge than a fish on the hook that fights being dragged into the boat. When you get back before the judge, be quiet until your turn to speak, be respectful, and beg forgiveness.

What is revocation hearing?

Sort of a "catch-all" description for a judicial, a non-judicial, or a 'quasi-judicial' hearing at which decisions are made. It could have reference to a DMV hearing at which a decision on your drivers license is being considered - a quasi-judcial hearing at which a decision is gong to be made about revoking your parole/probation, etc.