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Some key items for child custody hearings are any medical, psychological or other records related to concerns that may be brought up in the hearing. Logs of any phone calls or visits including the time, date and length of each occurrence can be helpful. Records of child support payments or receipts for items purchased for the child beyond any court-ordered support can also prove beneficial.

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Q: What are some key things needed in a custody court hearing?
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Dear Honorable [Judge's Last Name],

Does a 13 year old have to appear in custody court for the hearing?

YES, the child must be involved

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The timeline for a custody hearing can vary depending on the court's schedule and location. In some cases, it could take a few weeks to a few months to get a custody hearing date. It's best to consult with a family law attorney in your area for more specific information.

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If she was awarded visitation rights in the custody hearing (and that can happen whether she was physically present at the hearing or not) or files a motion for visitation at any time and it is so ordered by the court, yes she may.

Can you address the court at a child support hearing regarding fighting for full custody?

no see link below

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A temporary order is entered, pending a full hearing, is you can prove possession.