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Iran ,The united states Iraq, China, Japan, have the death penalty.

Australia. Britain, the Netherlands, Sweden, Do not have the death penalty

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Q: What are some countries that have the death penalty and some that don't?
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Related questions

Is the death penalty current?

In some countries, yes. But many countries have abolished it.

Why do some countres not extradite to the US?

Our countries might not grant diplomatic recogniztion to one another. Also, if it is a death penalty case, some countries do not believe in the death penalty and will refuse to extradite someone to the US unless they receive diplomatic assurance that the death penalty will not be asked for.

Can the mentally challenged be charged with the death penalty?

Typically anyone with an IQ under 75 will not receive the death penalty in the United States. It varies by country, though (for some countries there are higher or lower levels and some countries don't care if you're mentally challenged).

Do you put methodone in your hold luggage?

No dont take crap like that on plane at all And if your traveling overseas with it death penalty in some countries 20yrs to life in others. Stop taking drugs live longer

What is the likelihood that the death penalty might be abolished?

well in the UK and some countries it has been and most of the countries that do use it have really high standers for the people that they sentence to the death penalty and also they are trying to look into it so they can have a humane way of killing the with capital punishments so you don't suffer all thought some people think that they should get killed they way they murdered the victims of the murder hope this helps you x 100 countries have completely abolished the death penalty. A further 55 countries have had no actual executions in more than 10 years. The United States is the only democracy in the developed world that still uses the death penalty.

When did they stop the death penalty?

The death penalty is not permitted in some states and is permitted in other states.

Is there a report of a gay man being hung for being gay?

Yes in some Muslim countries have the death penalty for being gay

Where has the death penalty not been abolished and for what crimes is it used for?

In the USA, China, North Korea, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, etc. For Murder..and Treason . In China, carrying 50 grams of heroin will get you the death penalty. Similar for drugs in some other countries.

Why is the death penalty so debatable?

Some people who had been killed using the death penalty have been found not guilty after the fact.

How do you feel about the death penalty in the past?

The death penalty was extremely unfair for some people, but for the rest of us it was justice........ In the states the death penalty is still used in 37 states and by the Federal Government and the US Military.

Why death penalty does not discourage crime?

The death penalty does in fact discourage some crime. In other cases people just do not care what will happen to them.

Should the death penalty be banned?

The decision to ban the death penalty is a complex and controversial issue. Some argue that it is a violation of human rights and that there is a risk of executing innocent individuals. Others believe it serves as a deterrent to serious crimes and provides a sense of justice for victims and their families. Ultimately, the debate continues as different countries and states make their own decisions on whether or not to abolish the death penalty.