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Q: What are some advantages of strict liability?
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Strict liability and tortuous liability?

Strict liability is a form of civil liability, similar to negligence. The main difference between strict liability and tortious liability is that you can be held liable for any harm resulting from certain activities without any fault, simply because the activity falls within the classification of strict liability. Most states have adopted strict liability in some form, and activities that qualify fall into two general categories.

What is strict liability?

Strict liability makes a person responsible for the damage and loss caused by his/her acts and omissions regardless of culpability (or fault in criminal law terms, which would normally be expressed through a mens rea requirement; see Strict liability (criminal)). Strict liability is important in torts (especially product liability), corporations law, and criminal law. For analysis of the pros and cons of strict liability as applied to product liability, the most important strict liability regime,

What is the difference between absolute and strict liability?

In strict liability, there are certain defenses available whereas in absolute liability, there are none.

Strict liability is liability without fault?

Yes it is

Is strict liability liability without fault?


Concept of strict liability under Indian penal code?

Strict liability is the liability to punitive sanction despite the lack of mens rea.

What are some advantages to the corporate form of business?

limited liability

What is the basis for strict liability?


The doctrine of strict liability only applies to abnormally dangerous activity?

No, the doctrine of strict liability can apply to a variety of other situations beyond just abnormally dangerous activity. These may include certain product liability cases, activities involving animals, and some cases of harmful conduct or behavior. In strict liability cases, the defendant can be held liable for damages without having to prove negligence or intent.

What has the author James B Sales written?

James B. Sales has written: 'Product liability law in Texas' -- subject(s): Products liability 'The law of strict tort liability in Texas' -- subject(s): Strict liability

Do warning labels protect manufacturers from strict liability?

Warning labels can help protect manufacturers from strict liability by providing consumers with information about potential risks associated with using the product. However, the effectiveness of warning labels in a strict liability case will depend on factors such as the adequacy of the warning provided and whether the consumer was adequately informed of the risks. In some cases, even with warning labels, manufacturers may still be held liable if the warnings were found to be inadequate or insufficient.

What is an example of a strict liability tort?

could it be wild animals