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Information technology and the associated policies and procedures that are used to protect and control access to ePHI

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Ursula Block

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2y ago
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Q: What are some Hippa technical safe guards?
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What are some of the different kinds of teeth grinding guards?

There are several different types of teeth grinding guards. Some of the different types of teeth grinding guards are: guards worn during sleep, and guards worn while playing sports.

Did securicor guards ever carried guns?

Some security guards have- and do- carry guns. Going back to the days of stage coach guards "riding shotgun", bank guards, armored car guards. The security guards at nuclear plants today are armed. SOME security guards are not armed. The answer to your question would be "Maybe".

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Women guards in Nazi concentration camps?

The women's camps had female guards. Some of them were intensely sadistic.

Do security guards carry guns in the US?

Some do, some don't.

What are some companies that don't offshore outsource their technical support?

That depends on what industry you are looking into. Many companies have moved their technical support to India or Pakistan but companies like Blizzard Inc. and Safe Home Security Inc. pride themselves on keeping their support in the states.

What were some castle defenses?

guards and knights to protect them

Can security guards have guns?

In some jurisdictions, yes.

What are shin guards made of?

They are mainly used for keeping your shins safe and uninjured:)

Why was hippa created?

It was created to give some guidelines that should be used to protect people's privacy when healthcare information is exchanged.

Is seth low a good school?

HELL YEAH!!! well there are some fights but it is usually finished in 3 seconds because of the 12 or 13 security guards in the building! so yeah it is a safe school. and the education is great!!

Did home guards and air raid wardens get paid?

Some of them