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If the property was transferred before death, it's over. There isn't anything you can do about it so don't even think about it any more.

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Q: What are other sibling rights to mother's property if it was transferred to son 2 years before mother died intestate?
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If a parent dies intestate but deeded property to only one sibling can the others make a claim on the property?

If they deeded the property to anyone during their lifetime it belongs to that person & won't be included in the probate, unless the property was part of a family trust, or some other arrangement.

Can a sibling force the other sibling to pay them money if their parents died and only one stayed home and continued to pay mortgage for years after the other left?

If your surviving parent died intestate (without making a will) without leaving their home to you then their estate must be probated in order for title to the property to pass to the heirs. I am assuming your parents owned the property as joint tenants with the right of survivorship and after the first parent died their interest passed automatically to the surviving spouse. Intestate property passes according to the laws in the state where the property is located. You should collect and make copies of proof all mortage payments you made. You should also collect and make copies of all the property tax, insurance and repairs you have paid for. Your sibling is probably legally entitled to one half of the value of the property. Your lawyer should seek to charge off one half of every bill you have paid to maintain the property against your sibling's half in order to reduce the amount you will need to buy her interest and obtain clear title to the property. Perhaps the full amount of the mortgage payments could be deducted from your sibling's half. You should contact an attorney to discuss your rights, your options and how to arrange to have the title transferred to you legally.

How does a sibling of the deceased obtain power of attorney?

You cannot acquire a Power of Attorney for a person who has died. If there is property that must be transferred, and no will, you must petition the probate court to be appointed the Administrator of your deceased sibling's estate.

What rights do adopted sibling have in their sibling's intestate estate?

The rights of adopted siblings in their sibling's intestate estate depend on state laws. In general, adopted siblings usually have the same inheritance rights as biological siblings if the adoption was completed before the sibling's death. It is important to consult with a legal professional familiar with the specific state's laws to understand the exact rights of adopted siblings in intestate succession.

Who inherits property under New York State law if you die before it is sold and you die intestate if your only sibling is dead?

Actually anyone can still come buy it, mother or father could still inherit it also.

What rights do you have as senior sibling on the sale of your mothers house?

There are none unless it's stated in a will, and or the senior sibling has power of attorney.

Is a half sibling on mothers side or brothers side or both?


Is it legal in Florida to bequeath property to your same-sex partner?

Yes. No state can prevent you from leaving property to anyone, unless you or they have been convicted of certain crimes. However, the state of Florida does not recognize gay partners as legal families, so if you die intestate (without leaving a will), then all property will go to your next of kin, such as a child, sibling, parent, or cousin, and your partner will have no legal claim to any of it.

If you and a sibling co-own a house that was acquired through an inheritance can you transfer your portion of the property to your spouse?

If the co-owner is agreeable or the house is titled in a way which allows the property to be transferred without the consent of other owners then it can be done using a quitclaim deed a simple and inexpensive procedure.

Can one sibling have grant deed changed to his name before probate and claim property as his own?

The sibling does not have the right to change a grant deed. Only the property owner can make such a change.

My Aunt died intestate and her next of kin is one live sibling had my mother been alive she would also have been next of kin as her sister are my brother and I enttitled to make a claim?

Generally yes, if your aunt died intestate with no living spouse, children or parents, you would be entitled to your deceased mother's intestate share of the estate. You should contact the attorney who is handling the estate.

In Tennessee if a sibling dies intestate and has no spouse or children would his or her property be divided equally between full siblings and half siblings?

Yes because the were born from the same dad. Yes because the were born from the same dad. Yes because the were born from the same dad. Yes because the were born from the same dad.