Statutory refers to laws passed by the state of federal government. Regulatory means a rule issued by some agency that the government has given authority to regulate an industry.
A regulatory agency is a government agency or a public authority that is formed or mandated by a legislative act. Its purpose is to enforce or implement specific laws.
Immigration and Naturalization Service
Generally, they're called laws. They are called by-laws in UK
public policies.
Commonly referred to as "The DEA." It is an agency of the federal government dedicated to the enforcement of all laws dealing with drug policy.
environmental protection agency
The laws and goals that a government follows are called public policies.
The laws and goals that a government follows are called public policies.
The director of the government agency responsible for immigration could be sued for not doing his job.
The US cabinet agency that enforces the laws of the federal government is the Department of Justice (DOJ). The agency is responsible safety of the public from foreign and domestic threats.