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Criminal who remain at large are known as FUGITIVES, or if they escaped from custody, ESCAPEES.

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Q: What are criminals who remain at large?
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What is legal measures that protect accused criminals?

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What is a sentence for society?

For the good of society, violent criminals should remain behind bars.

What is a good sentence for society?

For the good of society, violent criminals should remain behind bars.

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One of the large symbols in Lullabies for Little Criminals would be the doll that she has for most of the book, until Jules ruins it.

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A large number of Gypsies and Romanians criminals have emigrated in Europe.

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It controls law abiding citizen's use of guns, Criminals don't obey any laws therefore they remain unaffected by them.

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Convicted criminals were sentenced "to the beasts" in the Colosseum.Convicted criminals were sentenced "to the beasts" in the Colosseum.Convicted criminals were sentenced "to the beasts" in the Colosseum.Convicted criminals were sentenced "to the beasts" in the Colosseum.Convicted criminals were sentenced "to the beasts" in the Colosseum.Convicted criminals were sentenced "to the beasts" in the Colosseum.Convicted criminals were sentenced "to the beasts" in the Colosseum.Convicted criminals were sentenced "to the beasts" in the Colosseum.Convicted criminals were sentenced "to the beasts" in the Colosseum.

Why is such a large percentage of criminals immigrants or minorities?

because they don't follow the laws of this country because they are not legal citizens. That's my guess.

Lombroso's four categories of criminals?

Lombroso's four categories of criminals are born criminals, insane criminals, occasional criminals, and criminals by passion. Born criminals are those with physical traits suggesting innate criminality, insane criminals have mental disorders, occasional criminals commit crimes out of necessity, and criminals by passion act impulsively due to emotional triggers. Lombroso's theory has been widely criticized for its lack of scientific rigor and stigmatization of certain groups.

When did The Criminals end?

The Criminals ended in 2000.

What did the Jews do after Cyrus permitted them to return home.?

Many Jews returned to Israel while a large percentage chose to remain in Persia.

Is criminals a verb?

Criminals is a noun, plural of criminal.