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US District Courts are the trial courts of general jurisdiction for the federal government, and hear both criminal and civil cases. Some of the classes of cases heard in District Court include:

  • Criminal cases involving violation of Federal Laws (e.g., kidnapping, bank robbery, drug trafficking, etc.)
  • Civil cases involving torts under federal law, the Constitution or US treaties
  • Civil cases between parties of different states for amounts in excess of $75,000 (diversity jurisdiction)
  • Civil actions brought by or against the United States (with some exceptions)
  • Maritime cases under federal jurisdiction
  • Cases involving ambassadors or foreign dignitaries
  • Appeals of certain federal agency decisions (e.g., Social Security Appeals Council decisions)

The US District Courts do not hear cases involving specialty jurisdiction, such as bankruptcy or tax cases.

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The federal court system has jurisdiction over civil and criminal cases involving federal question jurisdiction:

  1. cases arising under the US Constitution
  2. cases arising under federal laws and treatiesmade by the United States

According to Article III, Section 2 of the Constitution, the federal courts have original jurisdiction over the following types of cases:

  1. cases affecting ambassadors, public ministers and consuls (US District Court)
  2. cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction (US District Court)
  3. cases where the United States is a party (US District Court)
  4. disputes between two or more states (The US Supreme Court has original and exclusive jurisdiction)
  5. cases between a state and citizens of another state** (US District Court, may name officeholder as defendant/respondent)
  6. cases between citizens of different states* (US District Court, amounts in excess of $75,000 only; otherwise state court of the person filing the case)
  7. cases between citizens of the same state claiming lands under grants made by different states and between a state, or citizens thereof and foreign states citizens and subjects (US District Court)

Simplified Version

  1. The Constitution
  2. Federal Laws
  3. Treaties
  4. Laws Governing ships
  5. Ambassadors or public ministers
  6. U.S. government itself
  7. Two or more state governments
  8. Citizens of different states (diversity jurisdiction only for amounts over $75,000)
  9. A state or its citizen versus a foreign country or foreign citizen
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Criminal offenses, and violations of civil law.

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Cases involving federal law.

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Federal cases

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Q: What type of cases are heard in US District Court?
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(in the US) ALL such cases begin in whichever US District Court has original jurisdciction.

Most criminal cases are heard in what type of court?

It depends on what the various states call their mid-level state court system. "Circuit Court" - Superior Court" - "District Court."

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Cases involving state laws or disputes that occurred within the state's jurisdiction would typically be heard in a state's district or appellate court. These courts have authority to rule on matters related to state law, appeals from lower courts, and to interpret and apply state statutes and regulations.

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cases involving betweeen 200 and 5000 if the court has concurrent jurisdition with district courts

What type of crimes do Federal courts try?

The federal courts here numerous types of court cases. A few of the cases are maritime law, copyright cases, patent cases, and bankruptcy.

What type of cases does supreme court of the US have original jurisdiction?

According to Article III, Section 2 of the Constitution, the US Supreme Court has original jurisdiction over cases:affecting ambassadors and other public ministers and consulsdisputes between the states (original and exclusivejurisdiction, see 28 U.S.C. § 1251)Currently, the US Supreme Court only exercisesoriginal jurisdiction in disputes between the states; per 28 USC § 1251, the Court has concurrent original jurisdiction with the US District Courts over cases involving ambassadors. These cases are typically heard in US District Court, although the Supreme Court still has the right to try them under original jurisdiction.In all other cases the Supreme Court has appellate jurisdiction.must be heard there first. (GradPoint)

Can civil cases be only heard by a judge?

YES.Not every type of civil case may be heard in federal court. Civil cases that involve no federal question may not be heard in federal court unless the federal diversity of jurisdiction statute applies to permit it. Civil cases such as divorce, probate and family matters are not heard in federal courts.

What is the lowest court in Maryland?

The lowest court in the Maryland state court system is District Court. District Courts hear limited civil and criminal cases. District courts have lesser jurisdiction than Circuit Courts, which may hear all civil and criminal cases, but usually only hear cases that are beyond the jurisdiction of District Courts. There is a third type of court in the Maryland state trial court system -- Orphans' Courts, but Orphans' Courts hear only limited probate and guardianship matters. In terms of hearing the least egregious types of cases, such as small claims and traffic violations, District Court is the lowest court. For more information on Maryland district courts and the Maryland state court system, visit the Maryland Courts Directory related link.

What type of cases do the U.S. territorial courts hear?

The United States territorial courts still in existence are:United States District Court for the Northern Mariana IslandsDistrict Court of GuamDistrict Court of the Virgin IslandsTheir jurisdiction is similar to that of a United States district court, but despite the name similarity, they are not "US district courts"

What type of court hears cases involving bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy Court is filed in Federal District Court, however, exemptions claimed are state regulated.

What type of people are tried by the US Supreme Court and how does the Supreme Court accept such cases?

The Supreme Court is the highest appellate court in the United States. It does not try cases, in the standard sense of the word, but only reviews lower court decisions. Usually, cases heard by the Supreme Court involve issues of Constitutional law or federal legislation.

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Most cases which are resolved in court CAN be jury-demandable cases, but in actuality most court cases, traffic-related, civil torts, and criminal, are not heard by juries.