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Four years from date of discovery of illness or injury for personal injury cases, two years for wrongful death cases, two years from date of discovery of illness or injury for medical malpractice, and four years for consumer liability. The article below goes into more detail on statutes of limitations.

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Q: What are all the statutes of limitations for Florida?
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What are the Florida Statutes of Limitations for armed robbery?

There are no limitations to any felony however in florida if a crime was committed and the suspect was never identied the limits to this case will be 6 years. If you were identified by DNA there are no limitations and the maxium sentence will be ten years.

Is there a statute of limitations on state to file felony charge?

Yes, all states have statutes of limitations for charging various offenses. Check your own state statutes for the limitations (if any) in your state.

What is the statutes of limitations in Florida for medical malpractice?

Florida has set the statute of limitations for filing a suit at 2 years for medical malpractice. That will be from the time of the injury or when it was discovered. There can be situations that will toll it for a longer period.

Do Dental bills have statute of limitations?

Dental bills, like all debt, have statutes of limitations. However, they vary based on the jurisdiction.

What is the statutes of limitations on a fake ID in Minnesota?

The statutes of limitations limits the time a person can be prosecuted for a given crime. The statute of limitations for a fake ID in Minnesota is 3 years.

Statutes of limitations for DUI?

5 years

What are the statutes of limitations for fines in Wisconsin?

There is no statute of limitations on fines. In other words you are SOL.

Which states have the statute of limitations?

All states have statutes of limitations. What they cover and how long they are depends on the laws in that state.

How do Florida statutes work with the Florida code?


What is statutes of limitations for Bigamy in Texas?

Unfortunately it is seven years.

Statutes of limitations medical billing of patients' accounts over 6 years in KY?

There is no statutes of limitations of medical bills. You still need to pay your bills when you are billed, regardless of when they were incurred.

The time periods during which a lawsuit must be brought are called?

It is called Statute of Limitations.