The nature and scope of business taxation spreads across all the business sectors. Taxation in business is imposed so as business owners can get the privilege of doing business.
example of power taxation
The power of taxation is that every government needs it. No country can survive without the money that is brought in from taxation.
There is a great debate over who should have power over taxation. The leader of the nation usually holds this power.
taxation as the power of the state, is synonymous to the point that it is taxation is the source of the power of the state. Taxation is the levying of tax, taxes is the lifeblood of the government. It is because of tax that the government is able to finance and realized its programs and projects to the people. The people are dependent to the government, the government is dependent to taxes. Therefore, there could be no government when there is no taxation or stated plainly as there is government when there is taxation, and there is taxation when there is government.
Police Power Power of Eminent Domain Power of Taxation
The power of taxation cannot be delegated because it is a fundamental sovereign power of the government. Delegating this power could lead to abuse and lack of accountability. Additionally, delegating the power of taxation could create confusion and inefficiencies in the tax system.
The states had more power over taxation under the Articles of Confederation.
: In the absence of limitations provided by the constitution, the power to tax is essentially unlimited, plenary, comprehensive, far reaching, and supreme. Taxation compasses every trade or occupation, every object or industry or possession of property. It levies a burden which, in case of failure to discharge, seizure or confiscation of property may be enforced, subject to due process of law
This is a variable power scope- from 6 power to 24 power. The front lens (objective lens) is 40mm in diameter.