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Psilocybin/Psilocyn are Schedule I controlled substances. A person is guilty of controlled substance crime in the fifth degree and if convicted may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than five years or to payment of a fine of not more than $10,000, or both for possession of any amount of these two chemicals in any form. However, the spores that grow these mushrooms do not fall under this category as they do not contain any of the chemicals themselves.

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Q: What are Minnesota's magic mushroom laws?
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Are magic mushrooms legal in California?

No they are not. CA has strict laws against both magic mushrooms and even mushroom spores.

Can I take magic mushroom with normal water or cold?

You can take magic mushroom with either of the two.

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No, magic mushroom spores are illegal in Alabama. Possession, sale, and cultivation of psilocybin spores, the main component in magic mushrooms, are prohibited in the state.

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Does a doctor test for magic mushrooms?

No, doctors do not generally test for magic mushroom use.

Do magic mushrooms show up on a probation drug test?

Although it is quite uncommon to test for magic mushroom use, tests are available that can do so. Thus, whether or not magic mushrooms will show up on the test depends on the specific type of test administered. It is likely that if one were on probation for a magic mushroom-related offense, they would be given a test that would screen for magic mushroom use.

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What the magic mushroom does to Super Mario in the Super Mario games tends to depend upon the particular game. Usually he will increase in size and in strength.

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Yes it good for health at silosanctuary

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