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Q: What are 3 penalties for crime?
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what is the philosophy that crime does not pay when an offender experiences harsh penalties

What are the penalties for corporate crimes?

Penalties for Corporate Crimes are no different then penalties for non-corporate crimes. The penalty should fit the crime and will change depending on the level of the crime. In recent years we have seen more corporate crime but we have not really seen the penalties being put in place.

What are the penalties for the crime of the administration of justice?

death penalty

Can you get arrested from fruad?

It is a crime, so yes but penalties vary.

Is the psychedelic drug bod legal to import in US?

No it is not, it is a crime with serious penalties. Chad Hatten Crime

What are the five possible penalties which may be imposed on one convicted of a crime in california?

These are PenaltiesFineInfractionMisdemeanorFelonyRestraining Order--These are PunishmentsJailProbationParoleHouse ArrestDeath--These are the five possible penalties which may be imposed on one convicted of a crime in California:FineImprisonmentDisqualification from OfficeRemoval from OfficeDeath

How is crime effected in an renaissance period?

Crime was affected in the the renaissance period due to the harsh penalties meted on those found guilty.

In the 1500's what were the penalties for a crime done in London?

That would have to depend on the crime. But at that time many crimes had capital punishments - i.e. execution.

What do criminal penalties do?

Punish criminals according to the severity of the crime and state laws for particular offenses.

What are some of the penalties for tax evasion?

Once someone is found guilty of tax evasion some of the penalties associated with this crime range from being fined to jail time. The IRS and the CID are responsible for enforcing penalties associated with tax evasion.

Should a celebrity who commits a crime get more severe penalties?

I believe that all are equal under the law.

What was the most popular crime in ancient Egypt?

Mostly it was just robberies, murders, grave robbing, tomb raiding, stuff like that. Most of the problems came from the tomb raiding, but their punishment came from some of the booby traps that were laid inside of the pyramids or alternate passageways. Robberies and murders were usually treated with the "eye for an eye" code (IE: Code of Hammurabi).