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In the United States, the 26th Amendment to the Constitution lowered the minimum voting age from 21 to 18. It was argued that 18-year-olds were being drafted to fight in Vietnam, but they didn't have the right to vote.

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The 26th Amendment established the voting age at 18.

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Q: What amendment extended the vote to 18 year olds?
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Which amendment extended the vote to 18 years old?

The 26th Amendment extended the vote to 18-year-olds. "The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age."

The amendment that gave18 year olds the right to vote?

the 26th

Who does the 26th amendment gives right to vote?

18 year olds

The amendment that gave 18-year olds the right to vote was?

The Twenty-sixth Amendment gives 18 year old citizens the right to vote. The voting age was lowed from 21 to 18 in 1971.

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gave 18 year- olds the right to vote

What is the importance of the twenty-sixth amendment?

gave 18 year- olds the right to vote

What was the most recent group to receive the right to vote and what amendment secured this?

Eighteen year olds. Twenty sixth amendment.

Match the following A. Fifteenth Amendment B. Nineteenth C. Twenty-sixth Amendment?

A.Fifteenth Amendment A.Gave vote to former slaves B.Nineteenth Amendment B.Gave vote to women C.Twenty-sixth Amendment C.Gave vote to 18-year-olds

Eighteen to 21-year-olds received the right to vote with ratification of the?

twenty-sixth amendment

The constitutional amendment process has been used to extend the right to vote to?

Eighteen year olds due to the 26th Ammendment

What amendment states that a teen is legally an adult at the age of 18?

There is no amendment for emancipation, but the 27th gives the right to vote from 21 to 18 year olds.

Who let 18 year olds vote?

In 1971 an amendment was added to change the voting age from 21to 18.