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the largest minority will make the rule if there is no majority

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Q: What agreement is implied in the concept of majority rule?
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Related questions

Why is the concept of majority rule so important in democracy?

Democracy works by majority rule this means that citizens agree that they will abide by what most people want.

What wasThe agreement by first Pilgrims to make decisions by majority rule?

The Mayflower Compact

Agreement by first Pilgrims to make decisions by majority rule?

An agreement by the first Pilgrims to make decisions by majority rule was a compact. The Pilgrims that came over on the Mayflower had to sign an agreement like this before they could board the ship in Europe.

What does the concept of majority rule protect against?

Laws being passed that are not upon by all

What must accompany majority rule in the American concept of democracy?

Countermajoritarianism and a respect for minority rights are required in a liberal democracy.

Why is the concept of majority rule so important in a democracy?

it is important because it lets you pick your leader and everyone else has to abide by that leaders rules

Why is concept of majority rule so important in a democracy?

it is important because it lets you pick your leader and everyone else has to abide by that leaders rules

Is madison arguing in favor of majority rule or against it?

for majority rule

What form of power did the southern state legislatures exercise that discriminated against blacks?

Majority Rule.

What is the difference between explicit and implied terms?

An Implied Condition is a condition that does not appear on the contract but are Implied. e.g Implied conditions imply that both the insured and insurer have good faith in the making of a contract, that the insured has insurable intrest in the subject matter of insurance, that subject matter of insurance is in place at the time the policy is affected.Express Conditions are those which are expressed or set forth in the policy.

What is a rule of the majority called?

A rule of the majority is called "majority rule". It is a principle that a decision is made by a vote in which more than half of the members of the group agree.

The belief that the will of most of the people will be just more often than it will be unjust is called?

The belief that the will of the majority is more likely to be just than unjust is called majoritarianism. This concept suggests that decisions made through democratic processes where the majority rules tend to reflect the values and interests of the broader population.