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If you mean without parental consent--the age is 18.

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Q: What age in Arizona can I live with my grandma and not your parents?
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What age can children choose to live with the other parent from a divorce in Arizona?

It might depend on your parents decision. I'm not sure.

Is it legal for a 17 year old to move out of their parents home in Arizona?

In Arizona, the legal age of majority is 18. However, there are exceptions for minors who are legally emancipated or have the consent of their parents or legal guardians to live independently. It is generally advisable to seek legal advice before making such a decision.

Can you move in with your grandma at 17 even if your parents are against it?

Not until you are of legal age.

At 17 can you live with their older sister with out parent permission in the state of Arizona?

I believe you are considered a minor in AZ until the age of 18. Your parents may have a say in where you live.

What age can you drop out of school in Arizona with parents permission?

I think 16

In Arizona what are the laws for moving out at eighteen?

In Arizona, once you turn 18 you are legally considered an adult and can move out without parental permission. There are no specific laws governing the age at which someone can move out, as long as you are of legal age. It's always a good idea to have a plan in place for where you will live and how you will support yourself before moving out.


Not without the consent of the parents or guardian. The age of majority in Florida is 18. Until then his parents are responsible for you.

Can a 16 girl move out to live with her boyfriend in Arizona?

In Arizona, the legal age to move out without parental consent is 18. Therefore, a 16-year-old would not be able to live with their boyfriend without their parents' permission. It is important to follow the laws and consider the potential consequences of leaving home at a young age.

Can a 17 year old move out without parents consent in Arizona?

In Arizona, a 17-year-old cannot legally move out without parental consent. The legal age of majority in Arizona is 18, so until then, parents or a legal guardian are responsible for the minor. If a minor does leave home without permission, the parents could involve law enforcement to bring the minor back home.

Is a parent legally responsible in Arizona for a child of 18 years old?

In Arizona, parents are not legally responsible for their 18-year-old child's actions or financial support. At age 18, individuals are considered legal adults and are responsible for themselves.

Can you legally move out of your house when you are 17 years old in Arizona?

No, the age of majority in Arizona is 18. Until then the parents determine where a child lives.