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I believe that you 'can' start dating at any age above thirteen. As long as you believe that you are mature enough for a relationship and can comprehend the emotions. Though dating shouldn't become a must. Kids mature and 'fall in love' at their own pace.

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13y ago
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11y ago

Typically, most children begin dating at age 14 or 15. But there's really no hard and fast rule about when the 'right' time is for them to begin dating. As a parent, a lot of it falls on your judgment of how emotionally mature they are and if you feel they're ready.


If you think they're ready, and they really are mature enough, then yes, they should be able to date, but it really is up to the parents. Also, make sure you know and are comfortable with the person they're going out with. Even though your child may be mature enough to date, the person they are dating may not be.


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13y ago

There is no specific age at which children are ready to start dating, it's rather a maturity level that should be reached. But in most cases it seems to start late in middle school to early high school which would range from 13-17 years old.

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12y ago

Kids shouldn't date in the first place. Teens can start if they life someone around the age of 14-15, but that doesn't mean they have to.

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15y ago

Parents should have the say. When they think that their child is mature enough and has the right morals and values. Also, the child should respect their parent's decision.

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12y ago

I am 12 Years Old And I Started To Date At Either 9 Or 10.

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14y ago

The acceptable, appropriate, age is 16.

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14y ago

14 to 16

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Q: What age can kids date?
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Can kids date?

well... above the age of 10 can i supose but under 10 is to young

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There's not really a certain appropriate age to date. Date when you feel you're ready to experience love, relationships, and possibly heartache. Well to me 13 because at that age you should know what not to do and what can get you into a special place.

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love doesn't really matter about age! and it depends whether they love you!

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Personally (another matter of opinion) i think kids should kiss on a date at the age of 13 (teenager and above) I think you shoud kiss someone when you're ready and the other person is ready and after you've agreed to kiss

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the age is 14.

Is 10 to young to date?

Yes, at age 10, most kids at that age weren't worried about dating anyone. They usually were into playing video games or chatting online, but not dating. Wait until high school, I believe that's where it can be appropriate to date dating.

What age do you need to be to start dating?

Any age above 13 would be natural, but some kids date a the age of nine, its ok, but you are very limited of where you go dating. the real answer; You ''need'' to start dating when you are looking to find a mate to spend the rest of your life with. that is the only real reason to date.

Is it ok for kids to date?

If They Really Now What Means a Date So They Can. I Prefer That Kids 11 Year Old and Up can Date!