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In NC there is no certain age. A child of "sufficient age to exercise discretion" has a right to be heard regarding who he/she wants to live with. Basically it depends on the maturity level of the child. Of course, that doesn't mean that the judge will agree to whatever the child wants, it just means the judge will take the child's wishes (along with other things) into consideration when making the final decision.

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Only Indiana and Texas has laws setting out a specific age at which a child can make a choice the court is requiredto abide by, and even than there are some limitations. With those states, it is age 14. In all other states, the general rule of thumb is that a 12 year old can express and opinion, however the judge is under not legal obligation to consider, or even hear it. In either case, a motion to the court must be filed for a determination to be made. However, the child should be informed that there are alternatives to choosing to live with just one parent. The child should also be advised they can express a choice that they remain in one home and each parent can live with them for a designated period of time, then switch. This is called Bird Nest Custody.

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In the state of North Carolina, a child must attain the age of 18 before the child is old enough to decide for him/her self which parent they wish to live with.

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No. They can express their opinion, but the decision is up to the parents (or the court if parents cannot agree)

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When they are 18yo.

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Minors are not allowed to choose.

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Q: What age can a child pick which parent they want to live with in NC?
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What age can child pick which parent to live with?

Many times, a child can pick which parent they want to live with around the age of 14. It will depend upon both parents and if the judge doesn't think they should move.

What age must a child be to pick which parent they want to live with?

There really isn't an age, the child can tell the judge where he want's to go but that isn't always the way the judge will go but he will take it into consideration.

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In West Virginia, a child can decide which parent they want to live with when they are 18.

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They have to be 18.

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Not on taxes no. The parent the child lives with has the main right to claim the child. But if that parent can't or doesn't want to then the other parent can

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When they are 18.

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You have to be 18.

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When they are 18.

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well I think that when you turn 13 you can choose what parent you want to live with. But that's just my opinon.

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it is up to you if you want to grant your child permission to chose which parent to live with, in the state of NJ they do not give minors this power