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This is an issue that's frequently brought up, along with the right to choose what parent they wish to live with.

This issue particularly arises as children enter their teen years. They don't want to be required to spend time with a parent, either parent. They think of themselves as almost adults, and thus can make their own decisions.

The main issue here is not their right in choosing to spend time with the other parent, but their right to ignore and dishonor the authority of the family court. One has to wonder how many males that ignore child support orders were raised to believe it okay to ignore any family court orders, which includes the visitation orders?

If a child, whether by choice or through the influence of a primary parent, doesn't wish to spend time with the other parent, this issue has to be first brought before the court for consideration. The child can explain to the judge, outside the presence of either parent, why they feel it's in their own best interest as to why they no longer have a need for the parental influence of the separated parent.

Failing the change of a court order, the answer is "18." As soon as they're legally adult, then the visitation order no longer applies and they can do whatever they want as far as visiting or not visiting anybody (subject to certain other restrictions like parole terms, of course).

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12y ago

No. The custodial parent is required to obey the court ordered visitation schedule. If they do not the non-custodial parent can file a petition for contempt of a court order and that will cause problems for the custodial parent.

The custodial parent must discuss with the child the reasons why they do not want to go on visits and try to define and address the problems. If the issues are serious the custodial parent can engage professional help and file a petition to modify the visitation order. They must provide compelling evidence to the court to support their petition and it will be up to the judge.

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11y ago

18. However the child is always free to make their wishes known to the judge, either in court when custody/visitation is being decided or request a modification to the original visitation order by requesting a meeting with the judge, writing a letter to the judge expressing their wishes, or engaging an attorney or guardian ad litem to speak for them. The judge will take into consideration the wishes of the child, and generally, the older the child, the more weight is given to those wishes.

Ultimately, however, the judge will rule depending on what he or she feels would be in the best interests of the child.

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15y ago

Check the laws in TN but in Fla it is 13. File a motion to get in front of a Magistrate with a letter from the child.

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Eighteen years old.

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Q: What age can a child choose not to go for visitation in TN?
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i believe so . check your state. you have obligation untul the child is atleast 18. that is if you have been paying on time and dont have back payments to make.

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