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If you believe your "ethics" issue rises to the level of a legal complaint or is contrary to good health or somehow affects the public 'good' or public health, you can report it to the appropriate authorites. However - if you just don't like the way company is being run, you don't have much choice. Either you can complain to management to make them aware of things they may not know about -or - resigning.

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Q: What action can you take if the company you work for take no action on a complaint to the ethics committee on an ethics issue?
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To make a complaint against a psychologist associated with the American Psychological Association (APA), you can contact the APA Ethics Committee. Provide detailed information about your concerns and any evidence to support your complaint. The APA will review the complaint and take appropriate action according to their ethical guidelines and processes.

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To file a complaint against a psychologist associated with the American Psychological Association, you can contact the APA's Ethics Office and follow their specific complaint procedures. This typically involves submitting a written complaint detailing the ethical violation and providing any relevant documentation or evidence. The APA will then investigate the complaint and take appropriate action based on their findings.

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