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Q: What President removed a Federal Judge?
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What is the only way by which a federal judge can be removed?

They Die!!

Who is given the power to appoint Federal judge?


How is a federal judge elected?

(in the US) Federal judges are not elected, they are appointed by the President with the approval of the Senate.

Who is responsible for nominating individuals to be federal judge serve as ambassadors and work in federal department?

The President

What effects did the impeachment of justice samuel chase have on the federal judiciary?

it established the federal judge could not be removed for political reasons.

What branch is being checked when president appoints a federal judge?

The president's power to nominate federal judges is a check on the judicial branch by the executive branch.

Which of the following officeholders could a president not dismiss?

Federal court and appeals judge

What is an example of removal power?

In the US, the most basic example of removal power is done by the electorate when they do not reelect a senator or member of the House of Representatives. The more severe type in the US is an impeachment a high level person, be it a Federal judge or even a president. The impeachment process in the federal government must be completed by a trial in the Senate. If convicted of the crimes committed the judge or even a president is removed from office.

Who was the only president whose oath was administered by a women?

That was President Johnson. The woman was federal judge Sarah T. Hughes.

What happen after Hayes became president in 1877?

Removed federal troops from the South.

Which 2 branches of government can remove a judge from office?

The President can appoint the judge and the Senate must vote to see if teh Judge is removed from office or not.

Who chooses the federal judges?

A United States federal judge is a judge appointed by the President of the United States and confirmed by the United States Senate in accordance with Article III of the United States Constitution.