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To answer this we need to break it down. A representative democratic system means that it is democratic by having it's governors and law makers elected by the people.

A republic should mean that the country is democratic, and its ruler is not hereditary selected (chosen because of who there family was) or dictatorial (a single person with absolute power, self appointed or otherwise), but the ruler is in fact selected, directly or indirectly, by the masses.

A federal system means that there is a separation of powers between the state, national or central government, and devolved regional governments. Normally, federations are made up of willing members, though this is not always the case. Federal systems also have to be constitutionally enshrined, and set up in such a way that they cannot be permanently swept away. A good example of a federal system is the United States, the central government being the US Congress and the President, and the devolved administration being the Govenors and legislatures of the 50 States.

A parliamentary system means that the executive government (eg the one that makes the day to day decisions and generally administers the country) is not a single person elected to lead (eg a President) but is determined by the nation's parliament. The best example of this is the UK, where the day to day decisions are made by the Prime Minister and his cabinet. The prime minister is not directy elected, but leads parliament, and thus the country, because he/she is leader of the largest part in parliament.

I know that was long winded, but I hope it was a full explanation.

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