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Democracyis a form of government in which all eligible citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives. Democracy allows eligible citizens to participate equally---either directly or through elected representatives---in the proposal, development, and creation of laws. It encompasses social, economic and cultural conditions that enable the free and equal practice of political self-determination.

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Propose laws, enforce laws, maintain diplomatic relations, and penalize

people who don't follow the laws.

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Q: What Gov power that powers democracy?
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The sharing of power between state and national gov.?

concurrent powers

Democracy sovereign power is held by?

There is a division of powers in democracy between the executive power, judicial power and legislative power.

Who has delegated powers?

A delegated power is one that is reserved for the federal government, so obviously the national government has delegated powers.

What power is granted only to state governments?

All powers not granted to the Federal gov. are granted to the Sattes and the people respectively.

What are the requirements for representative democracy?

money, voting, political parties, civic participation, youth involvement, economy, and power of national/state gov.

Which is a reserved power held by the states?


What are the 3 powers gov holds?

Executive, Judicial and Legislative

What is vertical distribution of power?

when power is shared among gov. at diff. levels,i.e.,the union or the central gov.,the state gov.,the municipality and panchayat at the lower level.this division of power involving higher and lower level of the gov. is called vertical division of power

Was the signing of the Mayflower Compact an example of direct democracy or indirect democracy?

The Mayflower compact would be a better example of Direct Democracy then Indirect Democracy. This is because the agreement was ment so that the British Gov could not easily control them as everyone would have a say in it and decide wether it was wise to let the Britsh Gov interfere. An Indirect demo would be where citizens would tell their elected official their opinions and he would report to the king. Our US gov is a good example of Indirect democracy though it also shares a few beliefs with Direct Democracy.

How does separation of powers and checks and balances support democracy?

Both of these limit the amount of power one individual or a small group of people can have. This supports democracy because it is against dictatorship and oligarchy. Separation of powers gives different powers to different branches of government. This means that no branch has the power to do everything. Checks and Balances are put into place so that the different branches of government hold each other accountable for what they do.

The implied powers suggested by the US Constitution show that the writers recognized the?

Powers of gov. Needed to be able to adopt to change

The division of branches of gov in the constitution is called what?

It's called the separation of powers.