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Article I deals with the Legislative Branch

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Q: What Article in the constitution is the number of people in the house in?
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Article 1 of the constitution created the voice of the people in what?

Article One of the United States Constitution created the voice of the people in the House of Representatives. This article also created the United States Senate.

In what article and section of the Constitution will you find information about the house?

creates a Congress consisting of a Senate and a House of Representatives.

Which article sets up congress?

Article One of the US Constitution creates or establishes Congress. Congress is made up of the House of Representatives and the Senate.

What Article in the Constitution created the legislative branch?

Article 1 of the United States Constitution sets up the legislative branch of the government, which is the United States Congress. It is a bicameral legislature made up of the House of Representatives and the Senate.

What does the first article in the constitution say?

The first article of the U.S. Constitution establishes Congress, the legislative branch of the federal government. Congress consists of two houses, the Senate, in which each state has two senators regardless of population, and the House of Representatives, in which the number of representatives for each state depends on its population.

What is the minimum number of representatives a state may have (excluding members of the senate)?

The USA. Constitution requires that each state have at least one representative in the lower house of Congress, the United States House of Representatives. See the Constitution of the United States, Article I, Section 2.

What is the phone number of the Old Constitution House in Windsor Vermont?

The phone number of the Old Constitution House is: 802-672-3773.

Do all bills in the US government start in the House of Representatives?

The people who are in the House of Representatives are elected by the people, therefore spending bill must originate there. This law is part of the Constitution and found in Article 1, Section 7.

What circle of the constitution established the legislative branch?

Article I of the US Constitution established the legislative branch, consisting of the House of Representatives and the Senate. Article II established the executive branch, headed by the President, and Article III established the judicial branch.

Where in the Constitution does it talk about a term in the US House of Representatives?

Article I, Section 2, Clause 1

What age limit for the house of representatives is codified by article 1 of the constitution?

25 years old

What article in the constitution states that the house of representatives and the senate have law making powers?

Article one (1) section seven (7) tells how laws are made.