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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

Students should stand in an orderly line at the bus stop. Students should stay in line until the bus comes to a complete stop.

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When should you stand up on the school bus?

When the bus is at a complete stop to let passengers off or on.

Is the sentence i stand on bus stop is correct?

No, standing on bus stop is not correct. Standing at the bus stop is correct.

I have a crush a 8th grader and I'm a 7th grader. He has a brother in his grade but that's not my point.He rides my bus and we are at the bus stop. I stand at. A fence and they stand a the stop sign.I'm not sure what to say to him. What if I get rejected.?

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When a school bus stop to unload children on a divided highway should the vehicles traveling in the same direction as the bus stop?

Yes, you should stop.

How many feet should you stop behind a school bus in Louisiana?

You should stop 50 feet behind a school bus.

What is the mistake in the sentence I waited for you on the bus stand but you did not come?

Probably the preposition on should be at.I waited for you at the bus stand but you did not come

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what is the height of the bus stop

What should you do when approaching a school bus with flashing red lights?

You should stop. This is for the safety of the children getting off the bus.

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What is the word 'stop' when translated from English to Spanish?

alto Alto is one form, used to mean "Halt." Parada is the term for a bus stop. Parar is "to stop" (also to stand)

Give five sentences about bus stand?

People wait at the bus stand. The bus stops at the bus stand. The bus stand is near the meeting place. There is a ticket machine at the bus stand. There is a poster at the bus stand.

Which is the third largest bus stand in Asia?

kathmandu bus stand,nepal