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The following text is taken from a November 1994 public BBS message written by Chip Edwards

My favorite one of all though is to remember the Bill of Rights. Our history teacher taught it to us and it involved a rather heavy-set man who student taught at our school and used to make jokes about how heavy he was (his name was Joe Bones). It goes: FATS AS Joe Bones are Positavely Stupid which equals Freedoms (SPRAP another acronym for the freedoms = Speech Press Religion Assembly Petition), Arms (right to bear), Troops (no more quartering), Search (unreasonable search and seasure), Accused (rights of the accused), Speed (right to a speedy trial), Jury (right to a jury trial), Bail (no escessive bail/fines or unusual punnishment), People (rights not mentioned in the constitution are reserved for the people), and State (powers not delegated to the U.S. are reserved for the states). It makes a real easy way to remember something that would have been nasty to remember otherwise.

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The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution, which outline specific rights and protections for individuals.

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Bill or rights guarantees.

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Recognizes property rights and limits on taxation.

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The English Bill of Rights

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The Virginia Declaration of Rights was a model for the Bill of Rights.