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False. The Federalist Papers were a defense for the proposed Constitution of the United States of America. After the Constitutional Convention, the Constitution was sent to the 13 states to be reviewed and ratified. There was widespread fear that the new Constitution gave too much power to the Federal government, and not enough power to the individual States. James Madison and Alexander Hamilton anonomously wrote The Fereralist Papers as a series of newspaper articles published in the colonies. It is a very thorough and convincing argument as to why the people should adopt the new Constitution. They presented logical reasons as to why the new Constitution does not infringe on individual liberties, and why a strong central government is neccessary to protect our freedoms. The Federalist Papers were some of the most documents in U.S. history, because they helped approve the Constitution we still live under today

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It is true that the federalist paper was a defense for the brand new Declaration of Independence of the United States.

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Q: Was the federalist papers a defense for the brand new declaration of independence?
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