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Q: Was The robust US economy made it difficult for the government to restore balance in the federal budget?
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The robust U.S. economy made it difficult for the government to restore balance in the federal budget?

It is False!

The robust us economy made it difficult to restore balance in the federal budget?

It is False!

What is one way the federal government does not help stabilize the economy?

The federal government does not fix prices for products.

What did the Marshall Court ruling that supported the sanctity of the contracts end federal law over state law boost?

a national economy and a strong federal government

What is one way the federal government does not help stabilize te economy?

The federal government does not fix prices for goods.

What new federal agencies increased the government's power to regulate the economy?

The new federal agencies that increased the government's power to regulate the economy is the federal banking system. This has made it possible to monitor and control the economy of the country.

What are downfalls of the economy called?

they are called exponents of the federal government

Why is it difficult for the federal government to increase or decrease spending?

Because two thirds of all government spending is on entitlements which the government connot easily alter. (by Solomon Zelman)

Measures that the federal government takes to stabilize the economy are .?

fiscal policy

What are the Measure that the federal government takes to stabilize the economy?

fiscal policy

What impact does the federal government have on Virginia's economy?

It makes it more better

When was the federal government spending largest as a percentage of the economy?

The federal government spending was largest as a percentage of the economy in 2020 due to increased spending related to the COVID-19 pandemic and relief efforts.