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Ted Bundy was a serial killer. He was quite succesfull at it but he is one I understand comited mistakes too early on his carrer thus causing him to get in jail. Stealing a car for serial killing is not a good idea.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

What Ted Bundy had was not considered a mental illness. He was not mentally ill. He was diagnosed as having APD or anti-social personality disorder. It is a personality disorder not a mental illness.

People with APD basically have no empathy or feelings to other humans. People with this disorder cannot be cured and there is very little to offer in the way of treatment. But it needs to be pointed out that there are many people that have personality disorders and they function and many thrive in society. It is very rare for someone to turn into a serial killer.

Bundy could not change his personality disorder, but he could control himself when it came to murder. He chose to kill, understood it was wrong, put great energy into not getting caught and this is the legal basis for his convictions.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

From the time of his arrest to his execution Ted Bundy had been studied by the best, had been tested, probed, x-rayed ect. and the conclusion was he was as sane as anybody else. What Bundy had is called a personality disorder, not a mental illness. Because of his grusome crimes people tend to think he would have to be nuts to do the things he did. Not so. He had a major defect in his personality. And it can't be treated or altered. His personality was what it was.

Studies of have shown the many killers have abnormal frontal lobes (brain) which control impulses. But it is not clear if the brain causes the behaviour or the behaviour diminishes the brain's frontal lobes. There is so much that is not clear and only with continued study will we ever have the hope of maybe someday preventing and understanding these types of killers.

His disorder is actually called Anti-Social PErsonality Disorder. It has many symptoms. Lack of remorse for others safety and well-being. Repeated lying and occurences with the law, and agressivness towards people who are around. They will also have difficulity consinting to social norms.

It is very common in serial killers or people who sometimes hurt small animals for pleasure/fun.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Many people think that someone would have to be crazy to do the things that Bundy did. But the truth is Bundy was not crazy, in the legal sense. This is not to say he was normal, because he was far from it. Among other things, Bundy suffered from a personality disorder which is not mental illness. He did have control, he just chose not to control himself.

The criteria of behavior to fall under the McNaughten Rule* is someone that suffers from a mental illness and because of that illness did not understand his actions. Bundy planned his crimes, brought any tools he may need, and took great care to cover his guilt. His crimes clearly were premeditated.

*McNaughten Rule allows protection for the mentally ill, originating from a 19th century British case.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

There have been cases of gay serial killers like John Wayne Gacy and Jeffrey Damher. I was sure Ted Bundy was not a gay or bisexual. The record comes with no mention of a single fact dictating Bundy had those characteristics.

Known cases of gay serial killers:

Jeffrey Dahmer

Andrei Chikatilo

Luis Alfredo Garavito

Fritz Haarmann

John Wayne Gacy

Wayne Williams

Dennis Nilsen

Marc Dutroux

Arthur Gary Bishop

In a census some people responded:

-Ted Bundy Wasn't Gay,he was a raging heterosexual.-

-Now you are trying to find heterosexual serial killers, which only prove my point. Any way you look at it, gay or bisexual men are extremely overrepresented in serial killer statistics.-

-Look up the paper "Homosexual Rape and Murder of Children", published in Journal of the Family Research Institute, Vol. 18 No. 1, Feb 2003: 69% of the serial killers in this study were homosexuals. That's even more than what I would have guessed. Among those who molested or raped children, and then murdered children, is 43%.-

- I'll say, the gay serial killers had a thing for keeping their victims close...Even having them for dinner, literally-

- Ridgeway wasn't a homo either. I'm not familiar with the rail road killer. anyway plenty of non gay killers to go around, and plenty of sick ones who like little boys at the end of the day all of them need to be examined closely, then executed.-

- Ted Bundy was heterosexual. He was raised Methodist.-

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Ted Bundy was the poster child of sociopaths.

Bundy's crimes are well known on the surface. Psychopathy: a lack of interest in, or care for, the sanctity of human life. Psychopathy: a lack of interest in, or care for, the rules of a society. Malignant Narcissism: pathological grandiosity, lacking in conscience and behavioral regulation, characterized by joyful cruelty and sadism.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Sociopathy and psychopathy are concepts that are related to Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD), which was a suggested diagnosis for Ted Bundy.

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Blake Hardison

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βˆ™ 3y ago

Psychopath, he was able to blend in with society in a way a sociopath could not

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