Peanuts was not the name of the horse, Peanuts was the nickname of the man who held control of the horse for Booth.
The horse's name, according to several sources, was Cola.
Andalusian ;)
She had a cat named Marmalade and a guinea pig named Peanuts.
He was not named after an actor. He was named after John Wilkes, a famous British revolutionary.
Wilkes Land was named after Charles Wilkes, the American explorer who commanded in 1838 an exploring and surveying US expedition of the Southern Pacific Ocean and surrounding lands.
it was named peanut because it had a nut in the shell and the guy that named it/ found it was going pee. true story.
Leslie Howard
"Snickers" is a popular candy bar containing chocolate, peanuts and caramel made by the Mars Candy company. It was named after the Mars family's favorite horse.
Peanuts come from a kind of plant named peanut plant.
"Peanuts" .
The assassinator was named John Wilkes Booth.
The black character in the Peanuts cartoons is named 'Lincoln'.
They were originally named "L'il Folks" but changed to the peanuts over time.