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Although it is difficult to get an accurate diagnosis on a 'person unknown' the Ripper's crimes and letters do give insight into his twisted mind. Most serial killers (not all) are now considered to have some traits of APD or anti-social personality disorder. This is not considered a mental illness. The Ripper was probably very sane. A personality disorder, on the other hand, is an affliction of the personality. A person much over the age of 3 has already established his personality, good or bad.

A person with a personality disorder as apposed to mental illness, can not be 'fixed', he is what he is. Mental illness can be treated in a variety of ways and many mentally ill people go on to have happy, healthy lives.

His crimes, his victims tell us this man had emmence rage, mostly toward women. He thought of them as less than human. He had no respect for them as people or humans. His choice of weapon is also telling. A knife is a personal weapon. You must be up close and personal with your victim. Most of them he mutilated the faces. This is very important. When he cut up their faces he took their identity.

The way he left the bodies, where they would be found very quickly and in provocative poses. This is to shock police and public, alike. He took great pleasure thinking about how these women where going to be found, and what the reaction would be. For him it was part of the fun. His letters to the police and press were taunting and dirisive. This tells us the Ripper had contempt for most people in general. This is also typical behavoir for APD.

Jack The Ripper is a facinating case. It has been studied for over a century and we will probably never fully know all there is to know about this elusive criminal.

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He was not diagnosed by any one because he was never apprehended. By the atrocities he committed, we could assume he did.

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No. Nobody at the time (or even today) knew who Jack The Ripper actually was.

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