After the disaster, the government enacted martial law.
It may be necessary to initiate martial law, if that riot spreads much further.
Karate is a famous martial art; the mayor declared martial law after rioting broke out.
The band played MARTIAL music.
Bullies won't pick on students of martial arts for long. When the National Guard moves into a riot-torn area, martial law ensures peace. Will martial law be necessary on the Martian planet?
The martial law in our town stripped the freedom of all of the individuals, we were like drones, with all of the freedom and expression of life gone, and all of our energy focused on work, and nothing else.
Martial law is declared by people in authority. Therefore, only those same people can stop martial law.
Our neighbor has a very martial attitude to resolving problems, he prefers to attack and conquer. He had a martial demeanor, very disciplined and confident. He had a martial stride. The building had a martial look to it and as it turns out that it was once an armory. The band played MARTIAL music.
The narrator expresses concern and uncertainty about martial law, questioning its implications on personal freedom and societal control. The narrative may reflect a critical perspective on the use of martial law in limiting civil liberties and potentially infringing on human rights.
Perwez musharaff martial law was administrator .
they used their dress for fighting because if they used the dress they are brave enough to show their strength and power.
how possible