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Q: Unlike a grand jury a petit jury?
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What are the two types of juries in the federal court system?

Grand juries and Petit juries are the two kinds of juries. Grand juries review evidence of criminal action to determine if there is probable cause for bringing charges and if so, issue an indictment. Petit juries review evidence in both civil and criminal trials to determine the facts and render verdicts either for or against the parties in civil actions or guilty or not guilty in criminal actions.

Can a petit jury give the death penalty?

Yes. A 'petit jury IS a trial jury. The term "petit" differentiates it from a "grand" jury which only has the power to indict the defendant but not to try them.

What is a trial jury also called?

PETIT jury . . . as opposed to a GRAND jury which hands down indictments.

What is called a 12 member jury?

Grand Jury is the type of jury with more than twelve jurors.

What type of jury is used for a person accused of a serious crime?

If the procedure happens to exist in that particular state, the individual will first be indicted by a GRAND JURY. When brought to trial their case will be tried by a PETIT JURY. In states with no Grand Jury system, only a Petit Jury is involved.

How are verdicts decided by the jury?

Juries empanelled to hear cases in criminal couirts are known as PETIT JURIES. A petit jury is an old-fashioned name for the jury thst hears a lawsuit or criminal prosecution. Petit is the French term meaning "small", to distinguish it from a "grand" jury, which performs other duties, mainly to return an indictment or not. A person on a petit jury is part of the most common type of jury service. See:

What is a petit jury and what is their job?

There are two types of juries. Petit and Grand. A petit jury is one that renders a verdict in a civil or criminal trial level court case. It is to be distinguished from a "grand jury", which hands down indictments prior to criminal trials. A petit (small) jury consists of 12 persons and sometimes, in civil cases only, just 6. The grand (large) jury typically consists of 23 members but this may differ from state to state depending on the laws of the state in which the grand jury sitsA "petit jury" is a trial jury. It is their duty to to hear evidence and return a conviction or an acquittal.

The type of jury that hears a criminal case in a trial setting is?

A "grand jury" might be utilized to hand down an indictment in a criminal case. The subsequent trial would be held in 'criminal court' and tried by a 'petit jury.'

What does the grand jury deliver for serious criminal offences?

An indictment, which will cause the person indicted to be arrested and proceed to a trial by a petit jury to determine guilt or innocence.

What is the difference between Grand Jury and Trial Jury?

A normal (petit) jury hears evidence of a case after the arrest and arraignment of the accused.A grand jury hears evidence before the case is filed and may issue indictments based on the evidence presented by the prosecutor alone.Additionally. . .A petit jury merely listens to testimony presented as well as instructions of the judge. It then renders decisions based on the evidence and judge's instructions. Besides criminal cases, it also hears civil cases.A grand jury gets to ask questions of witnesses and can actually start their own investigations into matters not even presented by the prosecutor. (Prosecutors normally attempt to take charge of the jury but it is actually the jury who is in charge.) After hearing the evidence it either bills (indicts), no bills (does not indict), or passes (takes no action), not by a unanimous vote as in criminal cases but by 9 out of 12 as in civil cases. (An indictment merely means the jury believes there is sufficient evidence to hold the subject over for trial.) Grand juries are fun and very interesting to be on, petit juries usually not so.

Is a trial jury called a petit jury?


What does Petit C juror mean?

A Petit C juror refers to a petit juror who has been empaneled to hear a criminal case. Petit jurors are responsible for determining guilt or innocence based on the evidence presented in the trial.