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Separation of powers

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Q: Under what principle the federal government has three equal branches?
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Under which principle does the federal government have three equal branches?

Separation of powers

How many branches does the federal government have under the us constitution?


True or false - Under the US Constitution the federal government has four main branches?


How is Oklahoma's government structured under its constitution?

The Oklahoma government has executive, judicial, and legislative branches.

From what you have learned about the three branches of government the federal agency known as the cia or the central intelligence agency is most likely under which branch of government?


What branch of local government is in charge of illegal immigration?

(in the US) There are no branches of local government which deal with, or are responsible for, this activity. Immigration and its regulation is totally under the control and authority of the federal government.

What is the principle function of the federal judiciary under the constitution?

The principle function of the federal judiciary under the U.S. Constitution is to decide cases and controversies. The U.S. Constitution gives the judicial branch of government the ability to determine how laws that are made by Congress apply to any given case or dispute.

How do you define federalism?

A federal system of government is one that divides the powers of government between the national (federal) government and state and local governments. The Constitution of the United States established the federal system, also known as federalism. Under federalism, each level of government has sovereignty in some areas and shares powers in other areas. For example, both the federal and state governments have the power to tax. Only the federal government can declare war.

The principle function of the federal judiciary under the Constitution is to?

try cases arising under the constitution,federal laws,and treaties

What is the purpose of limiting the powers of the three branches of the US Federal Government?

The Framers structured the government in this way to prevent one branch of government from becoming too powerful, and to create a system of checks and balances. Under this system of checks and balances, there is an interplay of power among the three branches.

Marijuana against the Federal government?

Under federal law, marijuana is treated like every other controlled substance, such as cocaine and heroin. The federal government places every controlled substance in a schedule, in principle according to its relative potential for abuse and medicinal value. Under the CSA, marijuana is classified as a Schedule I drug, which means that the federal government views marijuana as highly addictive and having no medical value. Doctors may not "prescribe" marijuana for medical use under federal law, though they can "recommend" its use under the First Amendment.

How were powers shared under the federal system?

They were divided into three branches.