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Q: US citizens can practice any religion they want under which amendment to the Constitution?
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Freedom of religion is what amendment?

The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees freedom to practice one's religion without interference from the government.

What keeps government from interfering in religion?

The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution prevents the government from interfering in religion. It also gives people the freedom to practice whatever religion they choose.

Why do citizens need the first amendment of the US Constitution today?

The first amendment of the US Constitution has always been needed by citizens of the United States. The freedom of speech, press and religion are necessary to have a representative government.

Does every u.s. citizen must practice the same religion?

No, there is no requirement for all U.S. citizens to practice the same religion. The United States guarantees freedom of religion under the First Amendment of the Constitution, allowing individuals to choose their own beliefs and practices.

What amendment allows people to practice their own religion?

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution allows people to practice their own religion. It includes the Free Exercise Clause, which protects the right to freely practice one's religion without government interference.

Is Freedom of religion is guaranteed in the First Amendment to the Constitution?

The first amendment of the constitution does guarantee the freedom of religion.

Which part of the First Amendment says that citizens are allowed to practice any religion they choose.?

Answer this question… The free exercise clause

Which amendment guaratees that Americans are free to practice any religion they choose or no religion at all?

This is the first amendment in the US constitution, which also grants freedom of speech, press, and assembly, among other things.

Why is church and government separated?

In some countries, church aka religion is part of government policies and in some countries a particular religion is called the "official religion" of these nations. In Western nations, religion normally plays no role in government practices and policies. In the United States Constitution, the first amendment states that the government cannot establish an "official" religion, nor interfere with the practice of different religions among its citizens. There is a good reason for the amendment to forbid government interference in religion, it prevents government from denying citizens part of their freedoms.

How did Voltaire influence the US Constitution?

His ideas helped in many ways but most importantly his belief in Religious and freedom from government sponsored religion influenced the 1st Amendment to the Constitution. The 1st Amendment (Bill of Rights) protects citizens from having their government dictate religious practices. To paraphrase the 1st Amendment, the government cannot establish a religion and it cannot prevent citizens from establishing a religion. This became known as the "Establishment Clause".

What rights are guaranteed to citizens under the first amendment to the constitution of the US?

Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to petition, freedom to assemble,

About the first amendment?

The first amendment gives citizens of the U.S. the right to express how they feel with their voices. This is not the case in most other countries. However, it gives us the rights to believe and practice any religion of our choosing even if it is no religion at all.