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President Truman adopted a foreign policy called containment- It was a policy directed at blocking Soviet influences and stopping the expansion of communism.

Added: The Marshall Plan was a program aimed at assisting our Allies and the conquered nations to rebuild their economies and the living standards of their civilian populations after WWII.

Although in reality basically a MASSIVE aid plan, at the same time, it had the effect of also helping this country by keeping industry and agriculture functioning at top capacity in order to do so and, therefore, was able to absorb the massive numbers of young former military members coming back home who would all have been in need of jobs.

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Q: Truman doctrine and Marshall plan supported what US policy?
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Answer this question… Truman Doctrine.

What was the basic idea of the Truman Doctrine?

The Truman Doctrine was the US policy of trying to contain the spread of communism

What was the United State's policy of containment also known as the Truman Doctrine?

Yes, that is correct. The "containment policy" and the "Truman Doctrine" are often referred to interchangeably.

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The policy of the United States to provide aid to countries attempting to prevent a communist takeover was called the Truman Doctrine. Harry S. Truman was America's 33rd President.

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Foreign Policies after 1945 include the Marshall Plan, the Truman Doctrine, containment of communism with in the U.S.S.R., and The establishment of NATO.

What is the difference between the Truman Doctrine of 1947 and the Containment Policy?

According to The Penguin Encyclopedia of American History, page 383, the Truman Doctrine is the "policy statement of the Truman administration anticipating the cold war policy of containment."

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The foreign policy of the Truman administration manifested by the policy of his name was rooted in containing Soviet aggression and expansion. Flashpoints of the Truman Doctrine were in attempts of Soviet subversion of Turkey and Greece after the War.

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Was the Truman doctrine?

U.S Policy to contain communism (APEX)

What were the consequences is Truman doctrine?

Truman Doctrine signaled America's post war embrace of global leadership and ended its longstanding policy of isolationism.

When was the announcement of the Truman Doctrine?

The policy was stated by Harry S. Truman on March 12, 1947.