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Q: True or false The president may adjourn congress?
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true FALSE (14)

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Yes, he can veto laws passed in Congress, but then Congress can vote again, and if they get a sufficient number of votes, can override the president's veto.

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The president may propose it, but it must be approved by congress before it's a formal declaration of war.

True or false the congress vetoes laws?

False. As according to the Constitution of the United States of America only the chief executive, that is the president, has the power of veto.

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False. Pocket vetoes are bills that the president does not sign and which are received less than ten days before Congress adjourns.

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It is not quite true because when the office of Vice-President becomes vacant, the President chooses a new Vice-President who then must be approved by both houses of Congress before he can take office. ( 25th amendment.)

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