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Q: True or false John C Calhoun believed that a state could nullify a federal law?
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John c calhoun believed that a state could nullify a federal law true or false?


What was john calhoun view on state rights?

Calhoun believed in states rights above all. He espoused the doctrine of nullification which meant that states could nullify or reject Federal Laws they did not want to obey. He also thought states had the right to leave the federal union if they wished.

Calhoun believed states could nullify federal laws because of what?

John C. Calhoun was a strong supporter of states' rights. The issue of whether or not the federal government had control over the individual states was a hot button topic in his day. One must remember that before the U. S. Constitution, America was a loosely associated confederacy with a weak central government that had little say over most things other than war and defence. Calhoun was loyal to this idea that individual states did not have to oblige the federal government by following federal laws.

Could a state nullify a law?

A state's legislature can nullify its own laws. A state cannot nullify a federal law, as the Constitution shall be "the supreme law of the land".

What did the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions argue?

States could nullify federal laws. That states could and should decide when Congress was passing unconstitutional laws PLATOO against a loose interpretation of the constitution

who believed that government could ban or regulate slavery?

John C. Calhoun

Who believed that government could not ban or regulate slavery?

John C. Calhoun

What senator held that states could not nullify a federal law and said that liberty and union were inseparable?

Daniel Webster

What did the doctrine of nullification maintain?

b. state government could nullify any federal law.

How did Andrew Jackson belief differ from his vice president's belief when it came to states authority vs federal government?

John C. Calhoun , who was VP during Jackson's first term, was a champion of the right of nullification, which meant that a state could nullify and refuse to obey federal laws. Jackson could see that such a right would pretty much erase central government and that logically could lead to the right to secede from the union altogether.

Who believed that a state could refuse to obey a law it did not like?

John C. Calhoun

How did state's rights supporters and native Americans feel about Andrew Jackson?

Andrew Jackson treated native Americans like a citizens of a foreign government that was often hostile to the United States. He believed in the federal union and was strongly opposed to the idea of nullification which meant that individual states could nullify federal laws if they so chose.