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Q: To refuse to approve
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Why did the us known as the irreconcilables refuse to approve the Versailles peace treaty?

They rejected any treaty that included the league of Nations.

Why did the US Senate known as the irreconcilables refuse to approve the Versailles treaty?

They rejected any treaty that included the league of Nations.

What wishes of Woodrow Wilson did the US Senate refuse to fulfill?

The U.S. Senate refused Woodrow Wilson's wishes of having, The League of Nations.

The power of the president or governor to refuse to approve a law is?

veto; Latin for "I forbid it"Which originates from the Roman Tribune's ability to forbid a law from passing

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Why did the US Senate known as the irreconcilable refuse to approve the Versailles peace treaty?

They rejected any treaty that included the league of Nations.

How can the legislative branch refuse to approve supreme court nominees?

They talk about it in a committee, then vote 'No'. This is a part of the checks and balances in the US Constitution that prevent the Executive branch from gaining too much power.

Who could refuse to approve actions of the senate that were not in the best interest of the roman empire?

It was the tribunes who could veto the actions of the senate (or any other magistrate except a dictator) if they were not in the best interests of the people.

Presidents rejection of a bill of congress?

The president can refuse to approve a law by issuing a veto. Franklin D. Roosevelt holds the record for issuing the most vetoes with 635.

What is approve in tagalog?

Approve in Tagalog is Aprobahan

When you are ready to approve your statement?

Click the approve statement button

When you are ready to approve your statement how do you approve you statement?

Click the approve statement button